Job search
3 min read

Adjusting to the ‘new normal’ at work

As people return to offices after months of working from home, being furloughed, or job-seeking in lockdown we can begin to rejoice in ...

4 min read

How well are you communicating your strengths and values to prospecting hires and existing employees?

The competitive nature of recruitment raises many challenges for hirers and missing out on a new hire or losing valued team members for any ...

2 min read

COVID-19 Built environment recruitment update

Last updated: 20 March 2020 at 09:30 We are noticing a positive and palpable business-as-normal attitude towards the growing concerns and ...

3 min read

Interviewing and first-days during COVID-19

As a recruitment agency, we’re noticing how the virus is affecting businesses across the whole country, who are all responding to the ...

4 min read

Our working from home tips

The world has seen an unprecedented shift towards a work from home culture in-line with government advice, with more businesses to follow in ...

1 min read

Interviewing the Interviewer - Equip yourself with a copy of our latest guide

Don't miss your opportunity to impress at the first interview! A good job interview is not just a chance for a potential employer to ...

1 min read

Get your copy of the Architecture Salary Report 2020

Conrad Consulting are pleased to release our inaugural salary report for architectural professionals in the UK & Ireland following our recent ...

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Re-consider your work life balance this National Work Life Week

A good work-life balance is in the best interest of every business, it promotes work satisfaction and you retain a valued team. It also ...

3 min read

It's Pension Awareness Day - Will your pension be sufficient when you come to retire?

Pension Awareness Day raises awareness of the danger surrounding pension poverty, paritcularly those those who aren’t saving enough for ...

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Workforce management tricks to hire and retain great architects

If you read our previous blog, then you will have a good understanding of how to attract the top architectural talent. You will appreciate ...

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Why should I use a recruitment agency?

Finding a suitable job isn’t the easiest task, whatever stage of your life you’re in. You may be a recent graduate, fresh out of ...

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The tools you need to attract the best architects

Whether you’re the owner of an architectural practice or a recruitment specialist, you will undoubtedly be interested in hiring ...

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Follow our creative CV guide to make your application stand out

Condensing your every detail, responsibility, achievement and skill down to two pages and still getting your CV noticed has been an age-old ...

4 min read

How architect-designed green buildings support health and well-being

We all care about the environment, and modern businesses understand the benefits of supporting employees’ health and wellbeing. So, the ...

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How recruitment experts can help civil engineers climb the career ladder

Having joined their dream profession, many Civil Engineers find that moving jobs to climb the career ladder is not as simple as they thought. ...

3 min read

Time your job search in-line with the Christmas countdown

It’s the time of the year where Christmas stock is on the shelves too early, city lights are being re-installed and everyone’s ...

4 min read

Seek out the exclusive, and hidden, job market.

  The last decade has presented massive changes within the job market; from how we search for jobs, to how companies recruit ...

5 min read

Can’t find a job? Here are a few kickstarts to get you noticed & make you more employable

When your job applications are not getting the response rate you are hoping for, you may begin to realise the demons of actively seeking a ...

5 min read

Preparing yourself for counter-offers and choosing the right opportunity

An ever-so-typical curve ball in the job hunting process is your current employer upping the ante by responding to your resignation with ...

4 min read

Is it time to start looking for another job? Will the grass be greener...

If you’ve got an "itch" to look for a new job but are not sure it’s something you're serious about, here are a few ...

1 min read

The Subject People are "ignoring"...

How has BREXIT affected us as a company?  I sat down with Managing Director - Graham Ventham - to find out his thoughts on the ...

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